Minggu, 13 September 2015

Indonesian Alphabet (Lesson 1)

Hi there, in this blog i'd like to improve my English and share my language (INDONESIA) to people around the world. So lets begin with Indonesian alphabets.

There are 26 alphabets in Indonesian. Just like English, we have A, B, C, D, ......, until Z but we dont pronounciate it like English people pronounciate the alphabets.
To know how to pronounciate Indonesian alphabets you can check this video:

Now you can try to pronounce this words by yourself:
Aa : A - pel (Apple)

Bb : Bu - ah (Fruit)

Cc : Can - tik (Beautifull)

Dd : Da - pat (Get)

Ee : E - kor (Tail)
Ee : E - lang (Eagle)

Ff : Fa - kul - tas  (faculty)

Gg : Ga - jah (elephant)

Hh : Ha - ri - mau (tiger)

Ii : I - mu - ni - sa - si (immunization)

Jj : Jan - ji (promise)

Kk : Ka - kek (grandfather)

Ll : Lom - ba (race / contest)

Mm: Ma - kan (eat)

Nn : Nang - ka (jackfruit)

Oo : O - rang (human)

Pp : Per - gi (go)

Rr : Ra - sa (flavor,sense,feel)

Ss : Su - ka (love, like)

Tt : Te - man (friend)

Uu : U - ang (money)

Vv : Vi - ta - min (vitamin)

Ww : Wak - tu (time)

Yy : Ya - ya - san (establishment/ institution)

Zz : Zat (substance)

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